I am using part of the instructions from the "how to the heater core without dash removal" to replace the mode door motor. This is the motor that controls the blend of air from defrost to regular settings. I've gotten all the trim and screws removed to access and remove the mode door, and am now at the last point (Step. 8) where I need to unlatch the control rod from the mode door motor. The instructions say to "push down on the securing clasp to release the rod," however since the rod attaches behind the motor I can not see where that clasp is. When I pull the mode door motor slightly away I can see the rod is still attached in the back but can't see or feel any clasp. I've sent a message to the one who posted the instructions but was hoping maybe someone else who has replaced their mode door actuator before could provide any more detail about where the clasp is to release the rod from the motor? Thanks.
Follow Ups
Help removing AC mode door actuator control rod - doug886711:52:23 07/04/16